Saturday, July 23, 2011

KeratinWatch: Day 4

Well, it's official: Keratin is my jam. If they asked me to be their spokesperson, I would respond with an enthusiastic "hells yes."  (Not that I know who "they" actually are...I guess I'm just referring to the people who make the treatment....whatev.)

ANYwho, I was finally able to wash my hair, and I can tell a MAJOR difference. Blow-drying took less than 2 minutes, and my hair was 100% straight after. No flat iron needed!! I have seriously cut about 20 minutes from my get-ready time (which nonetheless is still excessive, I'll admit).  Not only have I noticed a difference, but my coworkers all commented on how smooth and healthy my hair looks.  Sa-weet.  Tomorrow I will experiment with a curling iron and see how the new hair takes to it.  Try not to faint with anticipation.

Hate to break it to my husband, but this lil' procedure is going to become part of my routine upkeep. Prepare the bank account.

For Hotlanta ladies, inquire about Keratin from Jon David Salon. Jeremiah is the bee's knees. (404) 524-9241

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